
Showing posts from July, 2021

Registration at last!

 Some good news this week after a bit of chasing; was the confirmation that my Twingo finally has a new UK identify and V5 document. After missing the Luton Festival of Transport; the document landed on my doorstep on Saturday. A bit of a rush round was required to get the plates made up by a local motor factor and also a new battery to replace the old one which was starting to fail.  The car finally went out on the road late Saturday and the booking I'd had for the Haynes Motoring Museum Sunday breakfast club wasn't wasted after all with the car making the 45 min trip from my house to Sparkford in Somerset. Other commitments meant I couldn't stay very long but I enjoyed the journey and a little trip across Somerset and into Wiltshire proved an enjoyable day. At one point it was even nice enough to retract the foldback roof; for all of five minutes. There are a few shows coming up which the Twingo will be in attendance at, locally and also with a bit of a trek up the countr...